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Dates of league matches shall be arranged before Registration date of 7th April, or the team's first match, whichever is the earlier. Matches may only be arranged in September if postponed during the season. Notification to be sent to the Match Secretary, on the form provided, within 24 hours of 7th April or before the team's first match, whichever is the earlier. There will be a 2 point fine for any registration forms received after this date.

All matches shall be played on the date specified on the fixture list unless both Captains agree to an earlier date. After that date no postponements will be allowed, except by the Home team due to bad weather or in exceptional circumstances agreed by the Executive Committee.

In the case of bad weather, the Home team must, within five days, inform the Match Secretary of the postponement. Failure to do so will result in a 2 point penalty. The home team must offer the opponents (informing the Match Secretary) at least three alternative dates, which must be in different weeks, but not including dates upon which the Away team already has an Exeter & District League match fixed, for the rearranged match. The opposing team must agree a date within two weeks of the postponement and the Match Secretary notified of the new date by the Home team. If dates are not offered or agreed within the above time span, then the offending team will be fined 2 points. In the event of the match never being re-arranged, the offending team will forfeit the match and rule 29 will apply and the fine increased to 4 points. If the circumstances are considered exceptional, a written appeal must be made. This will be considered by the Executive Committee, whose decision is final.

19)  Clubs with two or more teams in the same Division must complete their inter-club fixtures not later than 31st May. No points will be awarded for matches played after this date.

20)  All matches must be played by 30th September unless otherwise agreed by the Committee.

Player Registration

At least four players shall be registered for each team on the form provided, and such registration shall be received by the Match Secretary within 24 hours of registration date (see rule 18) or before a team's first match, whichever is the earlier. Teams must be nominated in merit order.

(a) - Only those player eligible for the 12U age group as defined by the LTA on the webpage at https://www.lta.org.uk/compete/junior/competition-age-groups/ can play in the league in the current calendar year”

22)  No person shall become a member of the League or qualify to play in a League fixture, or represent a club at a General Meeting, until he/she has become a fully paid up member of the club they represent.

23)  a)  A player may only play for one club during the current season.

b)  No registered player may play for a lower ranked team than the one registered for. A registered player may play in higher ranked teams within their club on a maximum of two occasions and remain eligible for inclusion in their original team.

c)  If a player plays three matches for teams in higher Divisions, he/she shall not then be eligible to play for the team with which he/she was initially registered during the current season. He/she must then be re-registered in one of the higher teams played for, with the decision made by the club, and the Match Secretary notified. He/she can then only play for that team. A player may only be re-registered once in a season.

d)  Players in clubs with two or more teams in the same Division may only represent one team within that Division.

e) Before a club has played its first match if they decide a player has been registered for the wrong team, that player may be re-registered to another team without penalty. 

f) Once a club section has played its first match should they decide a player has been registered for too high a team, that player may be transferred to a team below provided that:  

 (i)  He/she has not played more than twice for the higher team.

 (ii)  The higher team have played at least three matches, but have not completed their fixtures for the season.

 (iii)  Where fewer than four players remain in the higher team another player is registered in his/her place. 

The Match Secretary must be informed of the transfer before the player plays for the lower team. A transferred player may not play for a higher team during the current season.

g)  Additional players may be registered, and the Match Secretary must be informed before such players play their first match. Telephone registrations must be confirmed in writing inside 24 hours. Contravention of this Rule will result in the offending team being penalised as in Rule 24.

h) Four players must be registered for all teams at every stage of the season.  Any match played is treated as conceded until there are at least four players registered for that team.

24) (a) The Match Secretary shall report to the Executive Committee every case of a team playing an unregistered player in a League fixture. The offending team shall forfeit the League points scored by that player and his/her partner, the points being awarded to the opposing team. The offending team shall also be fined 2 points. The un-registered player will automatically be registered to the team they played for.  However, they can be re-registered to a different team, by the captain within 7 days in writing.

b) If an ineligible player is played the match is conceded as in Rule 29b) iii) & iv)


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