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(adopted at Winter AGM, 2024)

The overall League Rules will apply, except for the rules listed below.

A Winter League Match Secretary, assisting and reporting to the Match Secretary may be appointed by the Executive Committee as appropriate. References to the Match Secretary would then apply to the Winter League Match Secretary.


7)  a) An Annual General Meeting for the Winter League will be held before 30 August, upon 14 days notice being given.

b)  All clubs shall notify the Official designated by the Executive Committee of the teams they wish to enter during the forthcoming season on the form provided.

c)  Any club entering a team in the Winter League must attend the Winter League Annual General Meeting or their entry will be rescinded unless the Executive Committee agrees that the circumstances were exceptional.

9)  One member from each club shall be allowed to vote at the Winter League Annual General Meeting.

10)  Subscriptions for the Winter League will be decided at the Winter League Annual General Meeting, payable to the Treasurer at that meeting or by 1 October at the latest.

11)  The League shall consist of such Divisions as decided at the Winter League Annual General Meeting.

14)  Summer Rules 14(a) to 14(d) apply.

e) The final divisions will be decided at the Winter League A.G.M

17)  Any proposed amendments to the Winter League Rules must be sent to the Hon. Secretary 2 weeks before the Winter League AGM.  Application forms for entering teams into the league must be sent out 4 weeks before the Winter League AGM.


18)  Dates of matches shall be fixed at the General Meeting or by a date to be decided at the Winter League AGM, and notified to the Match Secretary on the form provided by a date to be decided at the AGM (2017/2018) season – 10th September 2017) There will be a 2 point fine for any registration forms received after this date.

All matches shall be played on the date specified on the fixture list unless both Captains agree to an earlier date. After that date no postponements will be allowed, except by the Home team due to bad weather or in exceptional circumstances agreed by the Executive Committee. Matches must be completed by a date to be decided at the Winter League AGM. (2017/2018) season – Sunday March 18th 2018)

In the case of bad weather, the Home team must, within five days, inform the Match Secretary of the postponement and offer the opponents at least three alternative dates, which must be in different weeks, but not including dates upon which the Away team already has an Exeter & District League match fixed for the rearranged match. The opposing team must agree a date within two weeks of the postponement and the Match Secretary notified of the new date by the Home team. If dates are not offered or agreed within the above time span, then the offending team will be fined 2 points. In the event of the match never being re-arranged, the offending team will forfeit the match and rule 29 will apply and the fine increased to 4 points. If the circumstances are considered exceptional, a written appeal must be made. This will be considered by the Executive Committee, whose decision is final.

19)  Clubs with two or more teams in the same Division must complete their inter-club fixtures not later than 30 Nov. This time may be extended in the case of bad weather or exceptional circumstances if the Executive Committee agrees to a written appeal.

20)  All matches must be played by a date agreed at the Winter League AGM. The Executive Committee has discretion to extend the season, particularly in the event of prolonged periods of bad weather.

Player Registration

21)  At least four players shall be registered for each team on the form provided before a club's first match.

(a) - summer rule 21(a) will apply

(b) Additional players may be registered to a specific team by notifying the Match Secretary. Any unregistered players on a score card will be registered to the lowest team for their club.

22)    No winter league fixtures may be played by a club’s section (Men/Women) until all summer fixtures have been completed by that section


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